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February 17, 2010 / emmabashforth

Photographer: Thomas Conrad

Thomas Conrad is a photographer whose work I have followed for a while now. He was previously in one of my favourite bands, which is how I came across his work. After leaving this band, he began to focus more on his photography and started his own website where he would upload his images and also sell prints. He is now a part of another band and keeps a blog mostly of pictures of the things he has seen whilst he is touring with his band.

I am not entirely sure what it was about his photographs that caught my eye so much. There’s just something about his style and composition, and how he can make the simplest things look so interesting. Conrad looks at all different areas of photography – music (which as I have previously mentioned, is something I would love to get into seriously), landscape, portraiture, etc. I have never decided on just one area of photography I would like to work in, and would also love to experiment and work in all kinds of fields.


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